About Denmother & Helen


Are you sitting down?

It wasn’t just because she was the first one to the party (and thank you for kicking things off), but it was because of her masterful and compelling words and accompanying post that we have to announce RARASAUR as the winner of our Cougar Den Valentine’s Day Like-in ten words or less challenge.

We know the day has come and gone and people have moved on and are going about their daily lives, counting down to the next day of love.  If you want to plan more effectively though, you might want to hear what rarasaur proposes here.  Can we create love by forbidding love?  It’s up to each of you to decide….

Thanks for the love from all who participated in the like-in.  We don’t shy away from oodles of like, but it could be fascinating to see what would happen if we hosted a dis-like-in, right rar?