Does Anyone Even Want to Climax in Climate Change?

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

The Cost of Climax

I mean, how do we navigate this? Fans and air conditioners a whirring to keep sweaty bodies cool. Dirty sheets resulting in detergent and water usage. Energy spent and temporary fixation on pleasure while our planet is slowly dying. Should we care if our partners are getting hard as reports come in of disappearing glaciers and raging forest fires? Do the fertile among us desire to procreate or are the rumours true that a generation is leaning toward avoiding having children because really, what future has the planet promised them lately?

But then you have earnest folks. You know, the ones who have discovered love and off the chart sex for the first time in the history of humankind and it’s going to save us all. Take young musicians for example, singing their dear little hearts out about love, sex, heartbreak, dating and all things relationship worthy. They haven’t given up, surely. They’re still seeing the point in getting it on, despite the fact that drought is literally causing koala bears to fall out of tree. Perhaps the happy medium can be found around environmentally-friendly solo climaxing to provocative music videos? Maybe the edict should be: Individual pleasure only?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Seriously though, it’s not very hard to hook into “climate anxiety”, an endearing new term created somewhere by someone who wanted to catapult us into mass group therapy. There are daily headlines about the newest or ever-persistent climate crises going on. Land in trouble. Water in trouble. Animals in trouble. People in trouble. Space in trouble.

We’re rapidly approaching the tipping point.

No, wait, we still have time to reverse course.

Gotcha. Nope, there’s no going back.

But wait, if we cut emissions enough before global temperatures rise…

And the rollercoaster continues to careen along an uncharted path.

It doesn’t really scream “whip it out”, does it.

Are you sitting down?

It wasn’t just because she was the first one to the party (and thank you for kicking things off), but it was because of her masterful and compelling words and accompanying post that we have to announce RARASAUR as the winner of our Cougar Den Valentine’s Day Like-in ten words or less challenge.

We know the day has come and gone and people have moved on and are going about their daily lives, counting down to the next day of love.  If you want to plan more effectively though, you might want to hear what rarasaur proposes here.  Can we create love by forbidding love?  It’s up to each of you to decide….

Thanks for the love from all who participated in the like-in.  We don’t shy away from oodles of like, but it could be fascinating to see what would happen if we hosted a dis-like-in, right rar?